Grey arrows denote micrococcal nuclease cleavage and red asterisks indicate free 3 OH at the end of the nascent transcript and cleaved 5 ss splicing intermediate

Grey arrows denote micrococcal nuclease cleavage and red asterisks indicate free 3 OH at the end of the nascent transcript and cleaved 5 ss splicing intermediate. (B) Volcano plots comparing…

Continue ReadingGrey arrows denote micrococcal nuclease cleavage and red asterisks indicate free 3 OH at the end of the nascent transcript and cleaved 5 ss splicing intermediate

The rapid advancement of genome editing technologies, like those predicated on CRISPR/Cas9 (Sunlight et al

The rapid advancement of genome editing technologies, like those predicated on CRISPR/Cas9 (Sunlight et al., 2017), present the chance for biotechnology techniques focusing on tick VgRs. Vaccine advancement utilizing recombinant…

Continue ReadingThe rapid advancement of genome editing technologies, like those predicated on CRISPR/Cas9 (Sunlight et al